Click an image to enlarge (except
amplifier images below).
May 2021 - Moving on up
(or down South to be more accurate)
After over fifty years of relatively peaceful
living in South London, I have been fortunate to be able to relocate
to hopefully almost guaranteed peace (and greater space) of the
South Coast.
Like many house hunting music lovers, my top
priority (alongside location - location, aspect and property structural
integrity) is ‘can the hi-fi and music collection fit
comfortably in the new listening space?’
This is my third and hopefully final move, so
I had to get it right! Now with greater musical experience, more
(and better) hi-fi components and an even larger record collection,
I look forward to designing my music listening room (Michael Valentine
Studio) almost from scratch.
June - November 2021 - Design & Planning
After many months of planning, re-planning and
waiting for local authority approval, building works started on
31 January 2022. The cost of living, building and labour costs
have increased (and continue to rise) dramatically, however, I
am still working hard to insure I reach my goal. The build completion
date has changed a few times now due to earlier unpredictable
weather patterns, design alterations and structural calculation
changes. The last predicted full completion date was August 2022.
Of course, this date came and went faster than the last UK Prime
Minister. The reason for this completion date change was similar
to UK government personnel changes. A shortage of high quality
and trustworthy trades’ personnel!
July - September 2022 - Basic structure
The listening room dimensions are now 3.65m width
X 8.53m length (12’ X 28’ in old money). This may
not seem substantial to some (especially to some of my American
cousins) but this is a huge increase on my previous terraced listening
space in South London and opens up various component placement
possibilities (especially as a MartinLogan ESL user). Dedicated
single radial circuits have been installed to cater for individual
system components,
finished with silver plated sockets.
As you can see from
the photograph here, my beloved MartinLogan
ESL 11A speakers
have been placed roughly into their proposed positions. Kimber
12TC speaker cable has been installed within conduit under the
floor tiles between each speaker. So progress has definitely
been made.
October 2022 - Setbacks and challenges
Experience has now taught me not to offer any
further completion dates. The actual ‘structure’ completion
was on time. Underfloor heating and floor tiling was also completed
(at last). However, the changing works start dates regarding underfloor
heating and floor tiling had a huge impact on other minor parts
of this project. I was actually at a point where I could have
taken over the project completely to finish any minor snagging
issues and install various items such as doors, locks and finish
painting throughout my property. This would have finally led to
me inviting specific company amplifiers onsite (albeit with a
smaller budget). BUT I continued this project under the shadow
of my two-year outstanding shoulder operation. We are all aware
of NHS operation wait times? The shoulder operation took place
on 14 October 2022 and I was grateful, despite the fact that I
resembled a slightly faulty one-armed bandit at a funfair for
several weeks.
So, no DIY and certainly no lifting of any item
(not even a vinyl record) for a number of weeks. Great timing?
Can you imagine how it felt to walk around looking at areas in
my home that needed work I had the skill to complete, but not
being able to, due to hopefully a temporary physical impairment?
I am sure others have had to manage greater issues, so again,
I was grateful the operation was now in the past and healing had
May - August 2023
- Nearly there
The listening chair is in position and I am
nearly ready to start listening to amplifiers even though the
amplifier piggy bank is forever changing. Yes, the cost of a
can of baked beans has increased substantially AND so has the
cost of each amplifier on my shortlist.
Mains leads plugged
in and ready to connect. Quadraspire Q4 component rack set-up
ready. I do realise this rack will most likely need reconfiguring,
or may have to go altogether depending on my amplifier / pre-amplifier
choice, however, this rack will be needed in the interim for
my turntable, phonostage and CD player.
Amplifier research actually started
in early 2021 & is still ongoing
The amplification shortlist has changed by either
adding or taking away specific models. Even the Gryphon Essence
Mono amplifiers were a consideration for a very brief moment,
before the imaginary money tree began to wilt. EAR Yoshino 509
Monoblock (pair required) was at the top of my list for some time.
I initially heard these way back in the early 00s and was impressed
at the time, however, I was not in the market for amplification
and I confess that I have never considered ‘valve’
amplification until experiencing Von Gaylord valve amplifiers
at the February 2023 Bristol HI-FI Show. Unfortunately, the EAR
509 Monoblock valves are one of the many product casualties of
the Russian & Ukraine conflict. The valves used in this amplifier
are sourced from Russia, therefore, are unavailable at present.
I have messaged both Nevin and Dena at EAR Yoshino asking for
updates regarding the possibility of sourcing valves from an alternative
supplier, however, positive news was also in short supply!I received
better news regarding the EAR 890 amplifier with regards to its
compatibility and capabilities, however, these amplifiers are
not easily sourced for demonstration purposes, so I decided to
move on.
Early August 2023, two amplifiers
were cemented at the top end of the list. Yes, there are a few
threads that question PS Audio BHK Signature 300 monoblock capabilities
against specific difficult to drive speakers such as MartinLogan
ESL’s. I posed the same question to the UK distributor who
did not say yes, or no (If I had a penny for all the times I have
had the same response from a hi-fi distributor or retailer I would
be able to pay off the UK national debt and still have change
for the PS Audio BHK Signature 300’s). As for the rock solid
and weighty (physically and audibly) Gryphon Diablo 303 integrated
amplifier… this amplifier is due to be released in October
2023 and boasts an even greater musical presence (and price tag)
than the very popular Diablo 300!
23 August 2023, I was able to
demo both the Gryphon Diablo 300 integrated and Gryphon Essence
stereo power amplifiers (with Gryphon Essence preamplifier) at
Studio AV in Chobham, Surrey. Though I found the Essence stereo
amplifier to be vastly superior to the Diablo 300 in resolution
and musicality, I very quickly established these amplifiers ‘sense
of signature’ and felt neither amplifiers would
suit my needs, so decided not to continue with a home demo on
this occasion.
Thankfully there are a few hi-fi manufacturers
who still feel they have something to prove in this competitive
market, so emails and discussions are ongoing.
September 23 – Home demos
began with the Nagra
Classic Amplifier & Preamplifier combo (after a jaw dropping
brief listen at Studio AV). I was also able to get my hands on
the Audio Hungary A75 integrated amplifier & the Audio Hungary
Qualiton Power Amplifier & Preamplifier. Now this unknown
to me (but revered by many in the industry) company have been
mentioned a few times in late August. Apparently, build quality
is second-to-none as well as highly rated sonic capabilities.
The Nagra Classic Amp and Preamp are also revered in high-end
hi-fi circles, so the later listening experience results of the
Nagra amp and preamp were interesting?
The PS Audio BHK300 Signature Monoblocks &
BHK Signature Preamplifier was at the top of my list for some
time. In fact, I almost purchased a new rack to accommodate them
even before listening (I was confident they would be my next purchase).
Thankfully, after an extremely up close and personal listen to
the PS Audio BHK600 Signature Monoblock Amplifiers & BHK Signature
Preamplifier at The UK
Hi-Fi Show, 1 October 2023 and detailed conversation with
Paul McGowan regarding my personal taste,
I decided not to continue the PS Audio route. I was
now on a valve amplifier exploration!
The final short-list
amplifier & preamplifier left from a long list)
Audio Hungary Qualiton P200 Power Amplifer & C200 Preamplifer
(added to list September 2023 after a brief listen to the amazing
A75 Integrated Amplifier)
_188_148thumb.jpg) |
Removed from the short-list
PS Audio BHK 300 Signature Monoblock
Power Amplifiers
& BHK Signature Preamplifier
(removed from the list October 2023)
agra Classic Amp & Preamp
(removed from list after September 2023 home demo)
5 integrated amplifier(removed from
the list September 2023.
(Added the Qualiton Pre-power instead)
Audia Flight FLS10 Ballanced Stereo
integrated amplifier
(removed from the list September 2023)
Audia Flight Strumento No. 4 MKII stereo
power amplifier
(removed from the list September 2023)

PS Audio BHK Signature 250 Stereo Power
Amplifier 300
(removed from the list August 2023.
The Signature Monoblock Power Amplifiers would be the better

Gryphon Diablo 300 integrated amplifier
(removed from list 23 August 2023 after demo)
Gryphon Diablo 303 integrated amplifier
(removed from list 23 August 2023 after demo of Diablo 300)
Gryphon Essence stereo power amplifier
(removed from list 23 August 2023 after demo)
Reluctantly removed from list May 2023
EAR 890 70 Watts per channel stereo
(bridgeable to 140 watts mono) amplifier
(added to list May 2023)
Ear 509 100 watt Monoblock (added to
list March 2023)
Message directly from Ear Yoshino
we are unable to supply the 509's at the moment due to
the conflict in Russia.'
'We are unable to get the valves from
Russia, so the cost of the valves
elsewhere has gone too high.'
Regards Dina – EAR Yoshino
Removed from list May 2022
Hegel H590 integrated amplifier
Coda 60.0 mono amplifier x 2 (with FET
Preamplifier 06x or 07x)
Research and communication with all
the above amplifier companies continues. Other amplifiers may
be added to the mix, while others may be removed. I am looking
forward to listening to the next musical chapter.
Robin Francis
© Michael Valentine Studio
December 2021 - October 2023
Use the links below to go to the New muisc listening
room 2023 (page two).
Nagra Classic Amplifier & Preamplifier Experience Review.
New music listening room 2023 (page three).
Audio Hungary Qualiton P200 Power Amplifer & C200 Preamplifer
Experience Review part one.
New music listening room 2023 (page four).
Audio Hungary Qualiton P200 Power Amplifer & C200 Preamplifer
Experience Review part two.
New music listening room 2023 (page five).
Audio Hungary Qualiton P200 Power Amplifer & C200 Preamplifer
Experience Review part three.
back to Hi-Fi Experience Home Page