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MartinLogan Impression ESL11A panel & bias power supply replacement process

MartinLogan Impression ESL11A
panel & bias power supply replacement
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MartinLogan Impression ESL11A panel & bias power supply replacement process

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15 - 19 Using a 3mm Hex driver, remove the four screws connecting the top strut and remove the strut. Tip the airframe on its side if it helps. (click the photographs above to enlarge).


Using a 3mm hex driver, remove the screws connecting the left mounting bracket to the airframe pillar.
With a 3mm hex driver, remove the two screws connecting the midstrut to the left pillar of the airframe. The screw towards the rear will have a lock washer. Be careful not to misplace this lock washer.

20 –21 Carefully pull the left pillar away from the panel and off the airframe.

Carefully slide the panel out of the midstrut and lift the panel out of the pillar.


Removing the two screws connecting the midstrut to the left pillar of the airframe.
The screw towards the rear will have a lock washer. Be careful not to misplace this lock washer.

MartinLogan Impression ESL11A panel & bias power supply replacement process

MartinLogan Impression ESL11A panel & bias power supply replacement process

Removal is now complete. Insure all areas of the airframe are clean and free of dust or debris before placing the new panel in its place and repeating this process in reverse order to refit your new panel, airframe and reconnect all speaker parts.

I am forty – forty five hours into listening and though I am experienced at waiting for components and cables to run-in, I still find this process extremely confusing. To start, I heard various audible speaker imbalances, pitch and tone variations. The higher frequencies were the most affected with various levels of distortion, roll off with an overall veiled presentation. It does not matter how many times I experience a ‘run-in’ process, I still begin to question my hearing as well as other components in the chain. Patience with regards to hi-fi is not my strong point!

Though my old panels no longer functioned as they should, they were in excellent aesthetic condition, but they clearly have no real practicle use? However, I still felt emotionally attached to them, so it took me some time before I could actually cast them aside. After all, the cost of these panels (in working order) could finance a Caribbean cruise for two? I even looked closely at the recycle potential of the panels. Could they be turned into some type of table, or perhaps modern minimalist wall art?

MartinLogan Impression ESL11A panel & bias power supply replacement process


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